Sunday, August 5, 2012

Olympic Fever

Took a yoga class today that focused on striving towards Olympian work ethic when moving through the poses and balancing the breath, body, and mind, but not being results oriented. Striving and trying are actually good enough; working towards one's full potential. Today I can't do a handstand, but a year from now, perhaps I can get both feet off the ground for 2 seconds. That's something. My goal now is to apply this to other areas of my acting work. The point is, to be in it. To strive for something and not get it is different than just sitting and waiting for the phone to ring. Dallas Travers has helped motivate me to do things I hadn't thought to do before, like write my own Press Release. My local newspaper actually ran one about my work on One Life to Live, but they wouldn't have known if I didn't take the time to do it.

Back to the Olympics, understandably the need for the gold medal comes with $$ of endorsements from P&G. It's sad to see athletes disappointed in themselves when they get the silver or the bronze medal, as if somehow they are bringing shame upon themselves or their country. Carmelita Jeter was such a great example of someone who trained her butt off (and clearly is an extraordinary athlete) and was delighted with her silver. Good for her!! I admire her tenacity and will take a page out of her book.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Acting - Nice Work IF You Can Get It

Not a very original title, but I had this terrific audition last week where I could do no wrong (except get the part) and a rehearsal for this long running show I'd been a part of, "Rendezvous - An Evening with Brel, Piaf, Aznavour and Friends. Working on these, I knew how much I loved being an actor and a singer. The Rendezvous rehearsal was to make sure we're in shape in case we get bookings because our producer, Terry Moyer, is putting us out there again. It had been two years since we last worked together and we picked up right where we left off. It was fun!

A couple of blurry rehearsal pictures from Rendezvous rehearsal at my home. I have this wonderful piano that never gets used. It's wonderful to have the apartment filled with music. The talent of this cast is amazing: Greg Purnhagen, Katie Geissinger, Philip Anderson and at the piano Tex Arnold.

It's always nice to work. Rejection, rehearsals with no apparent performance, and opening and closing nights happening on the same evening are part of this business. Doesn't make me love it any less.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Tony Awards

I haven't watched the TONY Awards in years. Two people made me watch this year: Neil Patrick Harris and Bruce Norris. Bruce and my husband went to college together and are still good friends. We were rooting for his play, Clybourne Park to win. It did. Last year, after hearing so much buzz about NPH, we watched his opening number on YouTube, his hilarious number with Hugh Jackman, and his closing wrap up song. He's awesome. So, we were forced to watch this year. I was not disappointed by Neil or Bruce.

My attempt to watch the awards show with detachment failed. At one moment I started crying. That was my dream! The scenes and musical numbers did not deter me, in fact, I'm convinced that my singing and acting days are not behind me. I act in regional theatre, soaps, and industrials, but there's got to be more. I'm grateful to to my husband for his endless support in my endeavors and for giving me the best little son in the world (he's 4), and I wouldn't trade them for a TONY award. Yet, my tears were for the goal I haven't accomplished. I came to New York to be on Broadway. I got sidetracked, but in doing so, ultimately got a terrific family. But now that my son is going to kindergarten in the fall, and yes, a lot of my time will be consumed with fundraisers, PTA meetings, and hoe downs, I'm still an actress and there's no reason not to continue pursuing what I love doing. Actor Kathryn Joosten is an inspiring story, she started acting in her 40s.

But all is not bleak. I have an audition this Thursday for D'Jamin Bartlett's new musical and my old show, "Rendezvous: An Evening with Piaf, Brel, Aznavour and Friends" is getting a rehearsal resurrection for a possible upcoming show. So, tomorrow, I start the day with yoga, go to a vocal coaching with the wonderful Steven Silverstein, and put myself out there. What's the worse that could happen?